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Welcome to Union Valley Wellness Center

The foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on the close relationship between the human body and nature.  We are surrounded by the natural environment and influenced by its constant changes.  Our bodies adjust to the rhythm of life in order to stay in harmony with nature. 

The organs of the body are interrelated and they work in concert to carry out their various physical functions.  When pathogens, such as the six diseases (wind, heat/fire, summer heat, dampness, dryness, and cold) and the seven emotions (anger, fear, fright, grief, joy, pensiveness, and worry) attack, the harmonic state of the human body is disrupted, which leads to a variety of illnesses.

Our mission is to provide holistic support and balance to the body through acupuncture, herbal medicine, as well as other forms of bodywork modalities and  client education.

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